
Women's Lacrosse and all Cal High sports are self-funded.  Without funding, we cannot have a program, as we must not only purchase our uniforms, equipment, and supplies, but must also pay for refs and field prep on game days, fees to play in tournaments, coach stipends, and more.

We ask for a Participation Contribution from every family with a rostered Varsity or JV player, but then we must still raise several thousand dollars in addition to these Participation Contributions, to fund and operate the Cal High Lacrosse program.  We are always seeking greatly needed donation support to keep our program running each year. 

There are three ways to donate:

CA 94583 (Indicate for Women’s Lacrosse on the check’s memo)

out to California High School (Indicate for Women’s Lacrosse on the check’s memo)

from the donations so donations via checks is preferred.


march 9th

We are having a Texas Hold 'em Poker Tournament Fundraiser!

 6 PM Check In

$100 Buy-In

Location in TeamSnap

Please RSVP:

All proceeds go to California Women’s Lacrosse! 

Guaranteed fun, whether you watch or play!